Tuesday, August 26, 2014

People I Owe

I have meant to write for a while now (of course), but this has been on my mind since shortly after my previous post -- esp. related to the "update."
I owe a lot to my friends.

I am thankful for those people in my life who have known me for a long time and, whether for that reason or some other, grant me a large portion of grace.  When I say or do something dumb, they are the ones who say, by word or by deed, or both, "I'm sure you didn't mean [that], do you want another try?"  Whether that is some stupid thing I did, or a poor choice of words -- and, sometimes, very poor.
I would like to believe that, sometimes, it's because the person knows, or believes, or would like to hope, that because I'm smarter than I appear and, given a chance, I can prove it.
But, if I'm honest, at least part of the reason for friends who give me the benefit of the doubt is that people like that are just wonderful, kind, forgiving, people.

"A friend is someone who, when you make a fool of yourself, doesn't think it's a permanent job."

So, to the one who helped me refine what I write here, by asking good, insightful, honest questions,
to those who can sit with my over lunch and put up with meanderings, and sometimes incoherent mutterings, to the guy who listens me say some completely off the wall statements, knowing or not that I actually do have some idea in my head, that might or might not be worth it -- if you recognize yourself in those descriptions or not, if you are my friend, and you've ever had to think, "what in the heck does he mean by that?"  And you still put up with me:

Thank you.

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